


Professional Training (Individual & Group Class) 專業音樂培訓(個人及小組課堂)

Join our comprehensive, inspiring and professional courses and start learning today!

Music Essence 粹樂

Evidence-based Pedagogy.
Professional Music Teachers for all levels.
Best Environment. Best Instruments. Best Equipments. 


Recruiting Team Members

We are looking for musicians of all levels to work together. As long as visions are shared, we are willing to offer training and various kinds of supports to help you grow professionally. Do contact us to get a coffee or drink to share more. 

Life Coach for Musicians

We are here to share your inspirations, visions, difficulties, emotions & stuff…. the sole purpose is to help you grow, leap & experience life.


Enhanced by GaryTo.Life

Contact us

Open hours

Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00 - 21:00 Hrs

Sunday: 10:00-18:00

We are here

Room 1501-1502, Cheung Lee Commercial Building, 25 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.

Concert Hall & Education Center
ME Studio