Choral Activities – 合唱活動

ME Youth Choir

(Voice Science Inspired Evidence-based Pedagogies),是我們的教學支柱,當然也是我們訓練合唱團的基本。


我們會教Lyric Diction的Concept、會教IPA、會教合唱技巧(Choral techniques)、SOR聆聽技巧的學習、會有不同的客席指揮和導師⋯⋯

Music Essence (ME)近來多了一個大約1000呎的教育中心和 Art Space!我們的擴展,意味著我們可以有自己的採排、交流和分享空間,也意味著我們可以發展不同的合唱團和樂團。

Youth choir is the first project comes to mind. ME Youth Choir will strive for:

  1. Enjoyment
  2. Sense of Engagement 
  3. Artistic Achievement
  4. Deliverables (performances, festivals, competitions, videos, etc.)
  5. and more….

You are welcomed to join, if you are:

  1. aged 29 or under
  2. current or previous choir member of my choir
  3. current or previous music student mine
  4. referred by my choir members & students
  5. love to sing, want to learn, grow & influence

You are welcomed to contact us if you wanna know more and join us.

The Voix Players

樂樂樂 [ngaau⁶ lok⁶ ngok⁶]〔餚⁶落岳〕
The Voix Players [vwa ‘pleɪɘ]
Voix in French means Voices in an expressive and musical way. We aim at providing a great variety of quality music performances for the enjoyment and entertainment to our audiences. Our Chamber Choir comprises of around 20 young musicians who devote themselves to quality choral singing and performances. With the support of our experienced music director and advisers, we are becoming one of the most quality chamber choirs in Hong Kong. Most of our members had received formal music training and experienced in distinctive music performances.
Music Director: Gary To
 Associate Conductors: Steven Leung, Leo Yueng
 Chairperson: Elsa Too
 Accompanists: Luke Hau
– 超過二十年的合唱團指揮及聲樂教授經驗
– 曾任二十多間大、中、小學合唱團、教會詩班及地區合唱團的指揮
– 曾任The Kingston University(B. Music)的聲樂導師
– 曾帶領合唱團於國際合唱節得到金獎,並於香港校際音樂節及其他合唱節屢獲獎項
– 畢業於中文大學音樂系、浸會大學文學(音樂)碩士及香港大學文學院(比較文學)



SEN Children Choir