學習運用EBVP:教學實證聲樂教學法 – Evidence Based Vocal Pedagogies



實證聲樂教學法-Evidence Based Vocal Pedagogies

日期:21,28/4,5,12,19,26/5 (6堂,共12小時)

時間:星期四晚 7:00 – 9:00

– Application of the concepts of EBVP

– 3 basic aspects: Breathe management, Phonation and Resonance

– Technical issues: onsets, registration, alignment, laryngeal tensions, faulty inhalation, misconceptions on breath support and more.

– Issues on musical style and repertoire selections.

– Coaching techniques, learning curve and education psychology

– Lesson planning

– Vocalization exercises design, selection and implementation

– 以實用和運用為主,所以會很多試教和討論

– 每堂會安排不同程度聲樂學生作教學實習,由初學至準八級學生


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Gary To
B. A. (Music), CUHK
B. A. (Comparative Literature), HKU
M. A.(Music), HKBU.
Focus on teaching music professionals, music teachers and music undergraduates. Vocal teacher in the Bachelor of Music Program of the Kingston University London in Hong Kong. Experienced Choral Conductor and Music Educator. Co-author of “Wellness and Transformations via SDGs”, LAP.